The Crossroad
11 objects: Ø 30 cm, scratched paper; multiple objects: Ø 15 cm, burnt wood, LED lights
site-specific installation within the solo show at the Municipal Bureau of Art Exhibitions in Leszno, PL
Photos by Jerzy Muszyński
The Crossroad
Municipal Bureau of Art Exhibitions in Leszno, PL – 2014
'And I buried my tears, in the Ocean'
Poznan Palm House – 2013
The Remains of the Days
Riga Porcelain Museum, LV – 2013
The Coincidences
Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Center for Drawing and Graphics in Kalisz – 2016
Zbiegi okoliczności
Centrum Grafiki i Rysunku im. Tadeusza Kulisiewicza w Kaliszu – 2016